Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day One

My journey begins with me reclining comfortably on the couch, my laptop resting on a pillow in my lap, and will end on Labor Day 2010, when I cross the finish line of the Virginia Beach Rock'n'Roll Half Marathon. Even as I type these words, self-doubt is nagging at my stubborn, if not always realistic, self-confidence.

As the title of my blog not-so-subtly suggests, I am not the paragon of physical health that embodies most marathoners. My sadistic physician likes to use words like "obese" and "significantly overweight" when referring to my physical stature. However, I prefer using more gentle words like "fluffy," "plump," and "over-achiever." My level of athleticism falls somewhere between that of a paraplegic and an inactive senior citizen suffering from arthritis.

So why, you may ask, would I even consider participating in a half-marathon? I assure you, dear reader, I am not the masochist that I may seem. Rather, I am simply a victim of the worst kind of peer pressure--guilt.

I subscribe to the motto that one should always "friend-up." "Friending-Up" is a common strategy in which one chooses friends that are smarter, thinner, prettier, etc. than him/herself. Many are avid proponents of "friending-down," thus always seeming better by comparison, but I enjoy a challenge. I have five very thin, very pretty girlfriends. We all went to college together and vacation together every Labor day weekend. Usually, we spend these weekends drinking way too much and talking about ourselves ad nausea. I love these weekends. Imagine my horror when one of my beloved ladies suggested that next year (2010) we spend Labor Day weekend participating in a half-marathon. I admit that my initial reaction involved an incredulous expression and a few well-placed expletives. It appeared that my dear friends had turned against me. I watched in shock as each one of them heralded this asinine idea and eagerly committed to it on the spot. At that moment, I hated each of them just a little bit.

Well, they wore me down. I begrudgingly agreed, and here we are. I bought a pair of tennis shoes, brought the treadmill out of storage, and made a training schedule. I decided to write a blog about my journey to promote accountability. This story would not be complete with out a charming cast of supporting characters. My equally "fluffy" husband, my nauseatingly fit sister, her experienced runner fiancé (who has actually run a whole marathon), and my traitor girl friends will all appear in this blog throughout the next 9 months.

Day two will begin with a physical (boo!) so I am under the supervision of a medical professional during my journey. I will also walk at least one mile on my treadmill.

Wish me luck!


  1. I am so excited for you. Can't wait for Day #2. I will be following closely.

  2. Lynne this is amazing! I will follow closely as well! I will start training at the a latest - Monday, Jan. 18th. Hold me to it! Love you so good! You can do this!

  3. "Fluffy" husband here; Right on babe, we can do this!

  4. Lynne, First of all you are such a talented writer!!! I love reading your post. Second, this is a very hard thing for anyone to do...I'm trying to get in shape myself right now...not to lose weight or anything, but b/c I'm so out of shape! I wish you luck on your journey, and will check in to see your progress!! Love, Jess

  5. Lynne! You're amazing and i love this! I can't wait to share this experience with you (sorry for the cheesiness, but you know how i roll...) LOVE YOU!

  6. I tried to find your blog by searching Google. There are many blogs that involve "chubby" "girl" and "run," (so many that I spent enough time reading them all that I forgot why I actually got online in the first place) but yours is by far the most interesting, the funniest, and the most meaningful and you have only one post. Keep it up (both the training and the blogging). I can't wait for the next entry.

  7. Lynne, I wish you the best of luck with preparing for the marathon. As you know, my lifetime career has been dedicated to being a couch potato (and I have been good at it too)! You are an inspiration for change! Also, you have a wonderful way with blog is interesting and entertaining to read. I look forward to following your journey. Love you...

  8. Thanks, for saying I'm nauseatingly fit, but I don't have a fiancé..


    SO PROUD OF MY BIG SIS. You inspire me.

  9. You have always achieved what you set your mind to and I know you will be succesful in this endeavor. Just know that you have lots of people cheering you on and I plan to be there at the finish line to celebrate with you. Love you!

  10. I am so proud of you! You can do this! I am beside you 100% of the way!

  11. I ran a 1/2 marathon a couple years ago and it's still one of the best accomplishments of my life. Good luck and if you need a running partner, this is Grace from CAA.
